Acquisition of the status of long-term resident in the Republic

Council Directive 2003/109/EC addresses the status of third-country nationals classified as long-term residents. In accordance with this directive, the integration of third-country nationals classified as long-term residents within an EU member state is crucial for fostering economic and social cohesion within the EU. Third-country nationals who have lawfully resided in an EU member state are eligible to receive a set of standardized rights, nearly identical to those enjoyed by EU citizens.

Cyprus has adopted the aforesaid directive, granting long-term resident status to third-country nationals who meet the specified criteria.

Who can apply?
Third-country nationals who have resided legally and continuously in the Republic of Cyprus (the “Republic”) for the last five years and hold a valid residence permit have the opportunity to transition to long-term resident status.

Key points:
  • Long-term resident status in the Republic is granted for a period of five years, with the possibility of subsequent renewal or re-acquisition. Under specific conditions, the long-term residence permit may be subject to revocation.
  • Absences from regions under the jurisdiction of the Republic will not disrupt the residency period and will be considered in its calculation if they are less than six consecutive months and do not exceed a total of 10 months within the relevant five-year period.
  • The applicant must possess a Greek Language Certification at the A2 level. Please note that Examinations Assessing the Sufficient Knowledge of Basic Elements of the Contemporary Political and Social Reality of Cyprus for third-country nationals seeking long-term resident status in the Republic are organized by the Examinations Service of the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth.
Upon approval, holders of the long-term residency permit will be entitled to the same treatment as any other EU citizen and will have access to the following privileges:
  • Employment and self-employment opportunities.
  • Education and vocational training, including study grants in accordance with Cyprus law.
  • Recognition of professional diplomas, certificates, and other qualifications, following procedures established by the Cypriot Government.
  • Social security, social assistance, and social protection as defined by Cypriot law.
  • Tax advantages.
  • Access to goods and services, including housing, and participation in related procedures available to the public.
  • Freedom of association and membership in organizations representing workers or employers, or in any organization related to a specific profession, along with the associated benefits, subject to national regulations on public policy and security.
  • Free access to the entire territory of the Republic.
  • Right to live in any other EU country, in case he or she finds employment there or does own business or is enrolled in studies.
  • Right of residence, for a period exceeding three months, in any other EU country other than Cyprus, subject to compliance with any conditions and requirements that may be imposed by that specific EU country.
  • Family reunification; Long-term residency offers the opportunity for family members, including spouses and minor children, to join the resident in the Republic.
The long-term residence status may be withdrawn, and the permit revoked in case of:
  • Fraudulent acquisition, including conducting a marriage of convenience.
  • Adoption of expulsion measures.
  • Absence from the EU for twelve consecutive months.
  • Public order or public security reasons
  • Acquisition of the long-term residence status in another member state.
  • Absence from the Republic for six consecutive years.
In conclusion, the acquisition of long-term resident status in the Republic marks a significant step towards integration and access to essential rights and privileges. As outlined in Council Directive 2003/109/EC, this status grants third-country nationals and their family members, a pathway to economic and social cohesion within the EU, mirroring the rights enjoyed by EU citizens.

We will guide you on meeting eligibility criteria, assistance with documentation, and support throughout the application process and provide you with any legal support that may be necessary.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute and neither shall be construed as legal or other professional advice. Neither Bybloserve Management Limited nor any of its employees accept any liability for any loss arising from relying on the information contained herein.

How can we assist you?

Andriana Efstathiou
Advocate - Legal Consultant

LLB, LLM in Commercial Law
Cyprus Bar Association
+357 24812026
Theofano Efstathiou
Advocate-Legal Consultant

Cyprus Bar Association
+357 24 81 25 75

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Acquisition of the status of long-term resident in the Republic
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